Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Coincidence? Or grasping at straws?

I was having a discussion via text with a friend about my recent lack of success in submitting writing pieces to various publications.  I generally text using the "T9" predictor method - much faster than standard typing.

During this discussion, I attempted to type the word "rejected".  Typed quickly and moved on, catching a moment too late that the first word the predictor chose for that combination was not, in fact, "rejected".

Instead it pulled up "selected".

At first, I found it amusing that the same combination of keys created two very opposite words.  Then I began it some sort of sign?  A coincidence that holds more significance than a simple coincidence should hold?

Or am I simply grasping at straws, trying to find a positive in the giant pile of negative that recent times have become for me?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Stuck in a rut......

I'm plugging away with seemingly little production to show for it.  I refuse to stop writing, but so little of what I'm putting to paper lately has any real value that I'm having a difficult time staying the course.  I desperately need some inspiration.......

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Help Me!!

No, it's not an S.O.S. - I just need readers.

I've entered a piece of my writing in a contest at a site called AuthorStand.  A portion of the contest factors in the ratings given to the story by those who read it.  The voting period runs through December 8th, and my story has had very few readers so far.

It's a piece entitled "Learning The Hard Way".  I can't say I've had an objective opinion on it so far, so it's entirely possible that it sucks.  But it's only a few pages long, so it won't waste too much time even if you hate it.  :-)

Here is the link - you have to click on "Download story" and it will bring it to you as a PDF file.
Learning The Hard Way

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


About two years ago I wrote a short piece as I was approaching my birthday, reflecting on the state of affairs in my life at that time.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * 


It hit harder than I expected it to - I've never been one to worry about the passing of birthdays. It's just another year, I told myself, just like I always do - it happens every October, and it never so much as registers a blip on my personal radar screen.

But thirty-four is different.

This year, I'm a failure - on the way down instead of struggling to move forward. I'm not getting closer to success; in fact, I'm not even standing still anymore - the ground beneath me is unsteady, and I'm slipping backwards as my plan for the future fades into yet another unattained dream.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Another birthday approaches (thirty-SIX for those who care.....LOL ), and I am struck and saddened by exactly how similar things are two years later. 

And I'm still just as lost for answers..........

Saturday, October 8, 2011

It's a little bit funny.......

As I write this post, I find myself thinking of Pedro Cerrano.

Pedro Cerrano was the home-run hitter for the Indians in the hilarious movie "Major League".  But he had one major problem:

He couldn't hit a curveball if you gave him a sniper rifle and stopped the ball mid-pitch.  Which led to many very humorous moments throughout the movie, until at the end of course, where in cliche Hollywood style he finds a way to hit the curveball to be one of the big heroes.

What exactly does any of this have to do with writing?

Well, I find myself facing curveballs lately.  For example, the pieces I mentioned for the Safety Pin Review (see previous post) were all rejected.  Not fun, right?  But the email I received from the site's owners was not only personal (rather than a cheesy form letter), but it contained positive comments about my writing.

And those positive comments are the only non-familial positive feedback I've received in a long time.  In a freaking rejection letter.

Another example: my book(s).  Several years ago, I began work on a novel.  A novel that has sat dormant for months because I kind of lost my way on the story and haven't had the energy or inspiration to try to drag it back on course.

Meanwhile, the only real productive work I've accomplished lately is on what I think is becoming a novel.  A piece that started out as a six sentence short, but somehow took on a life of its own.  A book that I didn't set out to write has far and away eclipsed the book that I've struggled toward for the last few years.

Which of course, isn't productive at all in the short run, leading to curveball number three - the only writing that seems to be flowing out of me lately is work that isn't suitable to submit to paying markets or contests, while I'm so blocked on those type of pieces that I've missed deadlines on well over half of the contests and markets I've targeted.

I need a bigger bat.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A really cool idea!

In my search for contests and markets, I ran across this amazing new site. Turns the literary e-zine genre on its head in my opinion.

Safety Pin Review

A totally cool new way of promoting writing pieces, along with a different take on flash fiction. I really hope the venture works out for the people behind it.

I've submitted a few pieces, so keep your fingers crossed - maybe this writer-in-progress will soon grace the back of a leather jacket!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A long overdue return.....

What do you call a writer's blog without a writer?

This one, recently.

I've been buried in a horrible writing funk.

But something occurred to me. What do writers do to solve a problem?

They write. Duh.

Yes, I'm not technically a writer yet. But it doesn't mean I can't apply the same tenet. So, I commit once again to writing my way out of this.

I've actually seen some productivity recently - several finished and/or re-worked pieces have been submitted to contests, and I've re-started my writing journal.

So, follow my rejuvenated journey here - it ought to be one hell of an interesting ride!