Monday, April 23, 2018

The best laid plans...

Historically, April is a difficult month for me to accomplish much in the realm of writing and blogging.  It seems like every year, there are a large number of contests and calls for submissions with a deadline at or near the end of March.  So March tends to be a whirlwind of writing activity, which sometimes dries up the creativity for a bit.

April also brings with it major time-killers with regards to my coaching and planning duties at the Boys and Girls Club.  Playoffs and All-Star events take place for all four levels of the floor hockey league, and with preparation for the end of season awards banquets is always time-consuming.  At the same time, preparations are in full swing for the upcoming baseball season, including coaches meetings, schedule planning, rules revisions and umpire training.

Usually means virtually nothing occurs on the writing front for most of the month.

But this year was going to be different.  See, an odd quirk in the hockey schedule meant that I had two Saturdays off at the very beginning of the month.  Along with that, baseball planning had begun earlier than normal, and was running smoothly.  April 2018 would NOT be a writing wasteland after all!


This is my first blog post since March ended, and I've written nothing of any real substance in that span either.  And I have no real idea why, other than perhaps lack of motivation.  Apparently the April slump has become too habitual. 

Curse you April.  Curse you.